SharkCon 10 was Jawsome!

SharkCon 10

This was my third SharCon as a vendor. This is by far one of my favorite events! The atmosphere is just electric! (and not due the nearby lightning strikes going on outside!) Its just a cool place where everybody has the same interests and you feel at home with your tribe.

When your a shark fan like me, especially when your a girl, you feel very alone in your love of sharks. They are so misunderstood and maligned by society that people think your weird if you love sharks. At least until I found SharkCon about 10 years ago. I visited SharkCon as a spectator and was blown away by how many people (especially women!) shared my passion! It was so enlightening and refreshing! After a few years as a spectator I decided to give it a shot as a vendor. SharkCon 8 was my first and I knew i would be back!

This year I tried some new shark stuff with recycled plastic bottle caps, shark teeth, and resin. Iā€™m really pleased with how they turned out and they were a hit with the customers.

I shredded plastic bottle caps and mixed them with resin.

Nautical Chart Jewelry

Quint and Hooper approve!

So if you want to get in on all the fun next year, tickets for SharkCon 11 are up for sale already! It will be the 50th Anniverary of Jaws so it going to be HUGE!


The holidays are coming...


SharkCon 10